Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit in the Neighborhood/Village Trade (C1) zone at 7601 Harwood Avenue to allow second-hand merchandise sales, Danielle Linn, applicant
Submitted by:
Art Pinon
A. Background/Options
The applicant is requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow secondhand sales of children’s apparel and gear at 7601 Harwood Avenue in the Neighborhood/Village Trade (C1) zone. A portion of the space will also be subleased to an aesthetic boutique and provide a mother’s room for community use along with flexible space for small gatherings or pop up events. The proposed operating hours are 8:00 am to 10:00 pm daily. Attached is a floor plan and project description submitted by the applicant.
Public Hearing
The required public hearing before the Common Council occurred on January 28, 2025 with only the applicant speaking in favor of the proposal. Twenty-three public notification letters related to the project were sent per City regulations. The Council meeting packet along with video can be found here:
B. Staff Comments
Planning/Zoning Division
No additional parking is required as parking requirements in the C1 District are uniform for office, retail, and eating/drinking establishments. However, installation of a long-term bike parking space is encouraged.
Building Division
Architectural supervision, plan review and applicable building permits required.
Final Occupancy inspection and approval required prior to occupancy.
City Assessor’s Office
Provide detailed costs of any alterations and/or new construction as well as income & expense as requested by the Assessor’s office
City Clerk’s Office
No issues.
Engineering Division
No issues.
Fire Department
Fire codes will be adhered to. Plans will be reviewed for fire code requirements.
Health Department
No issues.
Police Department
No issues.
C. Recommendation
Staff recommends approval subject to:
1. Establishing hours of operation.
2. Providing detailed costs of any alterations and/or new construction, as well as income & expense as requested by the Assessor's office.
3. Under WMC 24.16.040I., a Conditional Use will lapse and have no further effect one year after it is approved by the Common Council, unless a building permit has been issued (if required); the use or structure has been lawfully established; or unless a different lapse of approval period or point of expiration has been expressly established by the Common Council.
4. Obtaining other required licenses, permits, and approvals.