Consideration of request from the City Engineer for Amendment Number 1 of the State Municipal Agreement with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for the Blue Mound Road repaving project between 106th Street and 66th Street (CIP Project 1123)
Submitted by:
Bill Wehrley, City Engineer
Engineering Division
A. Issue
Approve an amendment to the State Municipal Agreement (SMA) we have with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (DOT) for City costs associated with the Blue Mound Road repaving project from 106th Street to 66th Street
B. Background/Options
In February of 2023, we entered into an SMA with the Wisconsin DOT to repave Blue Mound Road from 106th Street to 66th Street (Common Council R-23-16). Since the approval of that agreement, the DOT has updated their construction cost estimate to include our share of a multi-use trail along Blue Mound Road between Mayfair Road and 97th Street and some maintenance of the Blue Mound bridge over Honey Creek. Cost of both of these items will be split between Wauwatosa and the City of Milwaukee.
Construction of this project is anticipated to occur in either 2028 or 2029, depending upon DOT schedules. The revised SMA is attached.
C. Strategic Plan (Area of Focus)
Priority 2: Public Safety Goal 2, Proactively address pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicle safety.
Priority 3: Infrastructure, Goal 2, Ensure the City’s infrastructure supports public health through multimodal transportation and recreational opportunities.
D. Fiscal Impact
The total revised estimated cost of the project is $8,894,500. Of that amount, the city share is estimated to be $452,795. Funding for our share of the additional costs of project will be included the proposed 2025-2029 Capital Improvements Plan (CIP project 1123). Final costs will be determined by final design and bid prices.
E. Recommendation
Authorize staff to execute Amendment Number 1 of the State Municipal Agreement with the DOT for the Blue Mound Road repaving project between 106th Street and 66th Street.