File #: 25-0221    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Action Item Status: Filed
File created: 2/5/2025 In control: Financial Affairs Committee
On agenda: 2/11/2025 Final action:
Title: Consideration of request by the Communications Division to enter into a two-year contract with Social Pinpoint to provide an online community engagement platform
Attachments: 1. SPP Renewal - City of Wauwatosa - Starter - 2025
Related files: 25-0285

Consideration of request by the Communications Division to enter into a two-year contract with Social Pinpoint to provide an online community engagement platform



Submitted by:

Eva Ennamorato




A.                     Issue

Social Pinpoint, an online community engagement platform, is an existing service we have provided to the community for two years. This item is before you tonight because all multi-year contracts require Common Council approval. We’re asking the committee to consider a two-year contract with Social Pinpoint. We currently have an annual contract with Social Pinpoint, and choosing a two-year contract would provide us some savings.



B.                     Background/Options 

We have an existing annual contract with Social Pinpoint. We’d like to continue to use the tool. Various departments have collaborated with Communications to launch webpages about significant city projects to collect feedback via Social Pinpoint. Recent examples include:

• North Avenue future construction. We asked people for feedback on different street designs. Their participation gave engineers more comments and insight into the planning of the street design.

• Street Safety Input map. This is an online map where people can log experiences on streets across Wauwatosa, including near misses or suggestions for traffic calming. We’re using this feedback in upcoming traffic safety trials or where we might put traffic calming devices.

• Development map. We update the progress of various development proposals across the city. People can see a basic project description, photo/rendering, and upcoming meetings.



C.                     Strategic Plan (Area of Focus)

This project could overlap many areas of our strategic plan, including transportation, safe community, healthy community, public spaces, and well-maintained infrastructure.



D.                     Fiscal Impact

Staff recommends a two-year contract with Social Pinpoint. The one-year subscription is already budgeted for 2025. A two-year contract will allow us to budget for the actual cost in 2026 instead of an estimate.

• 2-Year Subscription: Commit to two years with a 5% uplift each year, totaling $6,497 for the first year and $6,822 for the second year.



E.                     Recommendation

Staff recommends approving the two-year contract with Social Pinpoint.