Consideration of request from Engineering Division to install stop signs on the Pleasant Street approaches to Woodland Avenue
Submitted by:
Michael May, PE, PTOE, RSP1
DPW - Engineering
A. Issue
Visual obstructions may block lines of sight and may not allow a road user to yield or stop in compliance with the normal right-of-way rule.
B. Background/Options
The City has adopted a policy that follows national standards related to the installation of yield and stop signs. The policy allows residents to request consideration for stop signs when they believe a condition, as described in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), has been met. Staff received a request to determine if stop control is appropriate at the Woodland Avenue intersection with Pleasant Street and analyzed if such traffic control is warranted.
The warrants for two-way stop control are outlined below.
• Traffic Volumes: The combined volume of all vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle volume entering from all approaches averages more than 2,000 units per day. This warrant was not analyzed.
• Vision Issue(s): Ability to see conflicting traffic on an approach is not sufficient to allow a road user to yield or stop in compliance with the normal right-of-way rule. The location of houses in southeast and southwest corners block adequate lines of sight.
• Crashes: The intersection has 3+ crashes over a two-year period or 5+ crashes in a three-year period susceptible to correction by yield or two-way stop. Based on an analysis of intersection crashes for the three-year period of January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2024, no crashes were reported.
Two-way stop control is warranted and necessary for motorists to properly see conflicting traffic. Therefore, staff recommends installing stop control on the Pleasant Street approaches to Woodland Avenue.
C. Strategic Plan (Area of Focus)
Priority 2: Public Safety, Goal 2. Proactively address pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular safety
D. Fiscal Impact
Minor expenses for the in-house creation and installation of signs. The existing sign budget will
accommodate these expenses.
E. Recommendation
Direct staff to prepare a resolution to install stop signs on the Pleasant Street approaches to Woodland Avenue.