Ordinance amending Sec. 24.13.040 of the Wauwatosa Municipal Code related to Stormwater Management
The Common Council of the City of Wauwatosa do ordain as follows:
Part I. The "Section E: Definitions" portion of the "Stormwater Management" subsection of Section 24.13.040 of the Wauwatosa Municipal Code is hereby amended to insert the following definition and subsequent subsections are to be renumbered accordingly:
57. "TP" means total phosphorus.
Part II. The "Section G: Performance Standards" portion of the "Stormwater Management" subsection of Section 24.13.040 of the Wauwatosa Municipal Code is hereby amended to read in its entirety as follows:
3. Maintenance of Effort. For redevelopment sites where the redevelopment will be replacing older development that was subject to post-construction performance standards of NR 151 in effect on or after October 1, 2004, the responsible party shall meet the total suspended solids reduction and report total phosphorus reduction, peak flow control, infiltration, and protective areas standards applicable to the older development or meet the redevelopment standards of this section, whichever is more stringent.
4. Requirements. The stormwater quality and quantity management plan shall include the following:
a. Total Suspended Solids and Total Phosphorus. BMPs shall be designed, installed and maintained to control total suspended solids (TSS) and report total phosphorus (TP)carried in runoff from the post- construction site as follows:
(1) BMPs shall be designed in accordance with Table 1. or to the maximum extent practicable as provided in subdivision 2. The design shall be based on an average annual rainfall, as compared to no runoff management controls.
See Exhibit A for chart.
Part III. The "Section I: Stormwater Management Plan" portion of the "Stormwater Management" subsection of Section 24.13.040 of the Wauwatosa Municipal Code is hereby amended to read in its entirety as follows:
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