File #: 25-0219    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Action Item Status: Filed
File created: 2/5/2025 In control: Financial Affairs Committee
On agenda: 2/11/2025 Final action:
Title: Consideration of approval of the use of Hart Park Senior Center restricted funds for additional Muellner Building furnishings in an amount not to exceed $15,000
Related files: 25-0286

Consideration of approval of the use of Hart Park Senior Center restricted funds for additional Muellner Building furnishings in an amount not to exceed $15,000



Submitted by:

John Ruggini                     




A.                     Issue

The Senior Center has requested additional furnishings not part of the Muellner Building remodel project to enhance the senior center space.   Staff recommend use of funds restricted for the Hart Park Senior Center.



B.                     Background/Options 

The Hart Park Senior Center requested additional furnishing to enhance the use of the Senior Center following the Muellner Building remodel.   There are not sufficient funds in the project budget so funds are being requested from the restricted fund for Hart Park Senior Center.  This fund has a balance of approximately $92,000.  


The additional furnishings in the Muellner Building that will support senior center activities include additional tables requested by the senior center for the Parkview Room (estimated $3,000), a new volunteer desk (estimated $1,300), coat racks ($500), waste bins (estimated $5,000), and new TV’s and wall mounts (estimated $3,000).


Given these are estimated figures, Staff request $15,000 in total.



C.                     Strategic Plan (Area of Focus)

Quality of Life



D.                     Fiscal Impact

This would reduce the Hart Park Senior Center restricted fund from $92,736 to approximately $77,700



E.                     Recommendation

Approve use of up to $15,000 from the Hart Park Senior Center restricted fund.