Consideration of a Minor Planned Unit Development (PUD) amendment at 8220 Harwood Avenue for a building addition, Justine Sieber, Plunkett Raysich Architects, applicant
Submitted by:
Art Pi?on
A. Background/Options
The applicant is proposing a Minor Amendment to a Planned Unit Development (PUD) for improvements to the Harwood Place Independent & Assisted Living facility located at 8220 Harwood Avenue. The facility, in operation since 1989 and expanded in 2001, seeks to implement several minor improvements to enhance its functionality and resident experience.
The proposed improvements include:
* Interior renovation of common spaces to improve the comfort and accessibility of shared areas.
* A 275 square-foot addition of office space to better serve the facility's operational needs.
* A new entrance canopy to provide a sheltered entry for residents and visitors.
* Various site improvements, including the addition of 9 parking spaces, a new patio adjacent to the existing dining room, raised garden beds for residents' enjoyment, and a small dog park for pet-friendly activities.
This proposal is being reviewed as a Minor PUD Amendment due to the modest scale of the improvements. The added building square footage is minimal in relation to the overall facility size, no additional residential units are being introduced, and the site improvements will not alter the overall character or intensity of the development.
B. Staff Comments
Planning/Zoning Division
Eighty-two (82) public notification letters related to the project were sent per City regulations.
Building Division
Design Review Board approval required; Plan review, & all applicable building permits.
City Assessor's Office
Owner to provide detailed cost of any changes to the site. If property owner claims 'property tax exemption' they must file the state prescribed for (PR-230) by statutory deadline be compliant with bi-annual filing of the state form PC-220. Filing th...
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