Presentation by Engineering Division of the staff recommended proposed design alternative for the reconstruction of North Avenue from Met-To-Wee Lane to 73rd Street, including replacing two bridges over the Menomonee River
Submitted by:
Jennifer Schroeder, PE
Senior Civil Engineer
Department of Public Works - Engineering Division
A. Issue
Presentation by Engineering Division of the staff recommended proposed design alternative for the reconstruction of North Avenue from Met-To-Wee Lane to 73rd Street, including replacing two bridges over the Menomonee River following the first Public Involvement Meeting. This work is included in the Capital Improvements Program (CIP), Project 1127 for the roadway & Project 2301 for the bridges.
B. Background/Options
The purpose of this project is to address the deteriorated pavement condition, structural deficiencies, aged public utilities, known safety and operational issues and substandard bike and pedestrian facilities within the subject section of W. North Avenue.
GRAEF was retained in February 2024 and developed a proposed bridge type for the west bridge over the Menomonee River, two alternatives for the east bridge, three alternatives for the intersection of Menomonee River Parkway and three alternatives for the cross section of North Ave from Swan Boulevard to N 73rd Street.
All of the above alternatives were presented to the public at the first Public Involvement Meeting (PIM) that was held on October 22nd, 2024. The meeting was well attended by constituents and local officials. We received 130 comment forms back regarding the project's alternatives and the comments we received on our social media post were generally positive. Staff took all public comments and engineering principles into account when making a recommendation on the preferred alternative.
Alternatives for the intersection of Menomonee River Parkway
1) Single lane roundabout
2) Signalized intersection - PROPOSED PREFERRED ...
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