File #: 25-0252    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Action Item Status: Passed
File created: 2/7/2025 In control: Board of Public Works
On agenda: 2/19/2025 Final action: 2/19/2025
Title: Request by Donald Michna of Catalyst Construction for construction staging in the public right-of-way adjacent to 7474 Harwood Avenue
Sponsors: Engineering
Attachments: 1. 7474 Harwood - CRANE SWING Radius Exhibit, 2. 7474 Harwood - SIDEWALK AND ROAD CLOSURE, 3. 7474 Harwood_ PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN, 4. 7474 Harwood_Construction LOGISTICS PLAN, 5. Harwood Ave mill and overlay options 02-17-25
Request by Donald Michna of Catalyst Construction for construction staging in the public right-of-way adjacent to 7474 Harwood Avenue
Submitted by:
Jennifer Stilling
Public Works (Engineering Services Division)

A. Issue
Due to planned construction activities at the proposed development at 7474 Harwood Avenue, the applicant has requested the following construction staging measures for the time period of March 26, 2025 to August 31, 2026 within the public right-of-way due to insufficient setbacks for construction:
? Cranes that will swing within the Wauwatosa Avenue and Harwood Avenue public right-of-way
? A sidewalk closure on the east side of Wauwatosa Avenue and the northwest side of Harwood Avenue
? A parking/traffic lane closure on the north side of Harwood Avenue

B. Background/Options
As shown in the attached crane swing exhibit, three cranes will be used for the construction of the proposed 4-story multi-family building. Each crane swing radius is shown on the attached exhibit. The applicant has indicated that they will work with the adjacent north and west private property owners for swing rights. Engineering recommends that the Contractor name the City as additional insured on the insurance policy for this project.

The applicant has also prepared the attached pedestrian traffic control plan for the proposed sidewalk closures on the east side of Wauwatosa Avenue and the northwest side of Harwood Avenue. Due the long duration of the proposed sidewalk closure, Engineering will require that the pedestrian detour signs must be placed on poles installed in the grass near the back of existing sidewalk. Signage that is attached to the proposed construction fence is acceptable. Pedestrian signage must be placed in both directions of travel. Bike lane signage shown on the plans should be revised to state that bikes are allowed to use the full lane on Harwood Ave adjacent the development. The contractor will be held responsible for...

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