Resolution approving a Final Planned Unit Development approval extension for Le Bon Vivant, 74th Street/Wright Street, Chris Geiger, Brian Randall, Amundsen Davis LLC, on behalf of Cardinal Capital Management, applicant
WHEREAS, Brian Randall, Amundsen Davis LLC, on behalf of Cardinal Capital Management, requested a Planned Unit Development final plan approval extension for Le Bon Vivant, 74th Street/Wright Street;
WHEREAS, this request was reviewed and recommended by the Community Affairs Committee and the Planned Unit Development extension was determined to be necessary for the public convenience at that location; located and proposed to be operated in such manner which win protect the public health, safety, and welfare; and was found to be compatible with surrounding uses;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of Wauwatosa, Wisconsin hereby approves another one-year extension, expiring January 25, 2026, for the Final Planned Unit Development for the property located at 74th Street/Wright Street.
By: Community Affairs Committee
Recommendation: Approve 5-0