Consideration of award of contracts for the spring/summer concrete repair season to various approved vendors on an as-needed basis, for a two-year period, beginning April 1, 2025 through March 31, 2027
Submitted by:
Laurel Schleimer
A. Issue
The City regularly bids out award of ready-mix concrete for public works
B. Background/Options
Upon instructions from the Street Department, I have advertised for bids on Ready Mix Concrete for the spring/summer repair season, for a two-year period, beginning April 1, 2025 through March 31, 2027.
The City requested pricing from seven local vendors and received four bids.
All vendors submitting pricing for this contract period had increases on all requested items of approximately 20% per cubic yard based on the material requested.
A tabulation of pricing is attached for your review.
C. Strategic Plan (Area of Focus)
D. Fiscal Impact
Use of budgeted funds.
E. Recommendation
It is the recommendation of the purchasing department to award to each of the responding vendors, on an “as needed basis”, based upon price, convenience and availability.
Recommendation: Common Council