Resolution in support of increased state aid for lead lateral and water main replacement
WHEREAS, lead in drinking water is harmful to children and adults; and
WHEREAS, the City of Wauwatosa has a significant number of aging lead water mains in need of replacement in order to maintain safe lead-free water service; and
WHEREAS, Wauwatosa has been pursuing a program to replace lead laterals for the purpose of protecting public health at the time it replaces its own water mains to maintain essential water service for many years; and
WHEREAS, in 2024 the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency finalized a new Lead and Copper Rule requiring municipalities to identify and replace lead laterals within ten years; and
WHEREAS, the new Lead and Copper Rule will remain in effect unless and until Congress votes to rescind the rule; and
WHEREAS, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources estimates that the total cost of replacing lead laterals in Wisconsin could be nearly $1 billion; and
WHEREAS, the City of Wauwatosa expects costs of up to $150,000,000 citywide for replacing lead laterals and aging water mains; and
WHEREAS, existing state and federal grant programs are insufficient to cover the costs that Wauwatosa anticipates incurring for replacement of lead laterals and water mains; and
WHEREAS, the State of Wisconsin has a projected budget surplus of $4.6 billion;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Wauwatosa does hereby request that the Governor and the Wisconsin State Legislature allocate significant funding in the 2025-2027 budget to assist the City and similarly-situated communities citizens statewide with the costs of replacing lead laterals and water mains.
By: Government Affairs Committee
Recommendation: Approve 7-0