Consideration of a Land Division via Certified Survey Map at 8100 W. Chestnut Street, Jim Walsh, applicant
Submitted by:
Art Pinon
A. Background/Options
The applicant is proposing a Certified Survey Map to create a 0.195-acre parcel next to their current home for a future home construction.
B. Staff Comments
Planning/Zoning Division
Thirty-three (33) public notification letters related to the project were sent per City regulations.
The lots and existing house meet zoning requirements.
Building Division
No issues from Building.
City Assessor’s Office
No issues.
City Clerk’s Office
No issues.
Engineering Division
The proposed lot will does not have any existing water or sewer laterals. The installation of new laterals to the proposed lot will be the responsibility of the parcel owner.
Fire Department
No issues.
Health Department
No issues.
Police Department
No issues.
C. Recommendation
Staff recommends approval subject to:
1. Any technical corrections as identified by the Register of Deeds.
2. Per State Statute 236.34 (2), the CSM is to be recorded within 12 months of the Common Council approval.