Administrative Bureau
A. Staffing
• Front Desk Associate has been hired and are at full staffing
• Full Time Dispatcher was hired, also at full staffing
• The PD would like 3 more Community Service Officers (to get to a total of 8), and PD is still working with the City Admin to get this accomplished
• We have 14 current CSO candidates, this program has become a great training ground where we often hire them later on as Police Officers
B. Budget process
• RNC deployments went well with no mutual aid issues; looking to get around $200,000.00 of reimbursement from Milwaukee PD/Federal RNC Grant
• 3 Police Officer positions were agreed to be cut from the Department’s total authorized strength by City, PD Admin and WPOA as a levy and contract decision in Spring 2025. Staffing cuts appear to be the only substantial way to balance our police budget for 2025, and potentially going forward. Also lost 1 Officer due to not meeting qualifications for a Federal COPS grant, due to the need to cut Officers. We hope to gain this Officer and grant back in 2026
• PD is constantly looking for new technology and efficiency ideas for the PD, especially due to constant hiring and staffing challenges
• Drone Program - city likely to add this into our 2025 budget to assist officers in more safely and efficiently searching for people and property
• An organizational structure study was funded by the city for the PD and will start in the next couple months. Goal is to identify what internal staffing efficiencies or personnel reallocation can occur to improve operations