Request by Max Pickart, on behalf of HPO Milwaukee, LLC, for an exception to the minimum parking ratio regulations of WMC 24.11.020 at 1155 N. Mayfair Road
Submitted by:
Art Pi?on
A. Issue
Request by Max Pickart, Hammes Partners LLC, for an exception to the minimum parking ratio regulations of WMC 24.11.020 at 1155 N. Mayfair Road
B. Background/Options
The applicant is proposing an exception to the required parking ratio for a medical office building located at 1155 N. Mayfair Road. When the building was expanded in 2015, the usable square footage of the building (62,954 square feet) was utilized to calculate the required number of off-street parking spaces. At that time, the site was determined to contain a sufficient number of parking spaces (430 parking spaces). The property owner is now proposing an exception based on the building's gross square footage, which is 104,049 square feet.
The required parking ratio for medical office space is 6.67 parking spaces for every 1,000 square feet of gross floor area. Based on the building's gross square footage, a total of 694 spaces are required and there are 424 parking spaces onsite (deficient of 270 spaces). To demonstrate that 424 parking spaces is sufficient for the medical building, parking counts were taken on two (2) weekdays at 10:00 am and 2:00 pm. The count demonstrated that no more than 235 (55%) of the parking spaces were occupied at any given time (see attached parking counts). Furthermore, neither the City nor property management for the building have received parking complaints regarding the property.
Based on the documentation provided, a sufficient amount of parking has been demonstrated to be available onsite to support the proposed parking exception.
C. Strategic Plan (Area of Focus)
Economic Development & Financial Resilience
D. Fiscal Impact
No financial impact to the City.
E. Recommendation
Staff recommends approval of the exception to t...
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