File #: 25-0060    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Action Item Status: Reported to Council
File created: 1/9/2025 In control: Community Affairs Committee
On agenda: 2/11/2025 Final action:
Title: Consideration of Planned Unit Development (PUD) final plans at 1330 Wauwatosa Avenue, 7463 Harwood Avenue, and 7460, 7462, and 7470 Blanchard Street, Nicholas Allen, Continuum Architects, on behalf of Mandel Group, applicant
Attachments: 1. R-24-116 - Approving Preliminary Plans for a Planned Unit Development at 1330 Wauwatosa Avenue, 7463 Harwood Avenue, and 7460 7462 and 7470 Blanchard Stree, 2. Harlow and Hem Conditions Satisfaction Narrative, 3. Harlow and Hem Project Description - Final PUD, 4. 01-230702 Harlow & Hem_Floor Plans and Sections-12062024, 5. 02-230702 Harlow & Hem - Civil Plan Set - 20241206, 6. 03-230702 Harlow & Hem - Stormwater Management Plan - 20241206, 7. 04-230702 Harlow & Hem_Building Elevations-12062024, 8. 05-230702 Harlow & Hem_Landscape Plans - 20241206, 9. 06-230702 Harlow & Hem_Construction Staging Plan - 20241206, 10. 07-230702 Harlow & Hem_Site Lighting and Cut Sheets - 20241206, 11. 08-230702 Harlow & Hem_Fire Access Plan-12062024
Related files: 24-0872, 24-1042, 25-0279
Consideration of Planned Unit Development (PUD) final plans at 1330 Wauwatosa Avenue, 7463 Harwood Avenue, and 7460, 7462, and 7470 Blanchard Street, Nicholas Allen, Continuum Architects, on behalf of Mandel Group, applicant
Submitted by:
Tammy Szudy

A. Background/Options
In July 2024, the City granted approval of a Preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD) for a multi-family housing development on a 1.63-acre site located at the northern corner of Wauwatosa Avenue and Blanchard Street. Currently the site contains a public parking lot, duplex residence, and a commercial building.

The applicant is now requesting Final PUD approval for the project. Final PUD plans are reviewed for compliance with conditions placed on the Preliminary PUD approval last year. New conditions are not appropriate at this time. The resolution is attached. Some preliminary approval conditions are recommended for placement on the final approval as they relate to subsequent approvals and/or requirements necessary to obtain other permits:
1. Approval of the CSM and zoning map amendment applications.
Status: Complete. Filing CSM is required prior to building permit issuance.
2. Compliance with all conditions in the Public Works and Engineering comment sections of the Community Affairs Committee July 9, 2024 staff report.
Status: Final approval condition. Some conditions are satisfied but many are required to obtain building or occupancy permits.
3. Approval from the Design Review Board is required prior to submitting for Final PUD approval.
Status: Complete. DRB approval granted December 5, 2024.
4. Providing detailed costs of any alterations and/or new construction as well as income and expense information as requested by the Assessor's office.
Status: Final approval condition.
5. Filing application for Final PUD approval within 12 months of the date of Preliminary PUD approval.
Status: Complete
6. Obtaining all necessary approvals, licenses,...

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