Ordinance amending Subsection 24.08.040 Q. of the Wauwatosa Municipal Code to allow tattooing and body art establishments within commercial zoning districts
The Common Council of the City of Wauwatosa do hereby ordain as follows:
Part I. Subsection 24.08.040 Q. of the Wauwatosa Municipal Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read in its entirety as follows:
Personal Improvement Service. Informational, instructional, personal improvement and similar services. Typical uses include hair salons, barber shops, beauty shops, nail salons, tattooing and body art establishments, yoga or dance studios, personal training services, driving schools and martial arts studios. Health clubs are classified as "sports and recreation, participant."
Part II. This ordinance shall become effective on and after its dates of passage and publication.
By: Plan Commission
Recommendation: Approve 7-0