Consideration of award of contracts for emulsion and street patching to various approved vendors based upon price, convenience and availability, for the Spring/Summer 2025 repair season
Submitted by:
Laurel Schleimer
A. Issue
Upon instructions from the Street Department, Purchasing advertised for bids on emulsion and street patching materials for the 2025 spring/summer repair season.
B. Background/Options
The City received four bids in response to our request. In general, all responding vendors increased pricing an average of $0.50 per ton over the previous year, and one vendor, Sherwin Industries maintained 2024 pricing for proprietary sheet asphalt or street patching material (binder and/or surface course).
A tabulation of bid prices is attached for your consideration.
D. Fiscal Impact
Departments budget for this item annually. The impact will depend on how much they utilize.
E. Recommendation
It is the recommendation of the purchasing department to award to each of the responding vendors based upon price, convenience and availability.
Recommendation: Common Council