Proposed zoning text amendment related to Wauwatosa Municipal Code 24.13.040 (Stormwater Management)
Submitted by:
Maggie Anderson
Engineering Division
A. Background/Options
A variety of modifications to the City’s current post-construction stormwater management ordinance (24.13.040) are recommended for review and approval as shown in the attached document. Proposed revisions include:
1. Adding in the definition of Total Phosphorous (TP), as well as TP reporting requirements for all stormwater management plan submittals.
2. Providing WinSLAMM modeling files and GIS shapefile or AutoCAD representations of areas treated by stormwater management plan submittals.
3. Other minor modifications to improve reporting and compliance of any required long-term maintenance agreements for stormwater management facilities in the City of Wauwatosa.
These ordinance revisions were recommended as part of the Citywide Stormwater Management Plan presented to Community Affairs on November 28, 2023. This Stormwater Management Plan fulfilled a stormwater planning requirement as defined in the City’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR). The plan was conducted in coordination with the WDNR, so these proposed ordinance revisions meet the City’s MS4 permit requirements.
The Plan Commission recommended approval 6-0 at the July 8, 2024 meeting. The required Common Council public hearing was held September 24. 2024 with no one appearing in support, in opposition, or to provide comments/ask questions.
B. Recommendation
Staff recommends adoption of these suggested zoning code changes.