Resolution approving the request by Senior Civil Engineer for approval of an amendment to the professional services contract with Symbiont Science, Engineering and Construction, Inc. for stormwater modeling along Honey Creek, Proj No 4103
WHEREAS, in 2022, the City of Wauwatosa entered into a contract with Symbiont Science, Engineering and Construction, Inc., to provide additional stormwater modeling of storm water outfalls discharging into Honey Creek Parkway and as worked progressed, it became necessary to complete additional alternatives and refinements along many of the outfalls;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Council of the City of Wauwatosa THAT, for the reasons provided at the meeting of the Financial Affairs Committee on September 17, 2024, permission be and the same is hereby granted to amend the professional services agreement with Symbiont for a revised total contract amount of $121,900, be approved.
By: Financial Affairs Committee
Recommendation: Approve 5-0