Consideration of request to waive the bidding process for professional services to upgrade heating and air conditioning controls at the Police Station
Submitted by:
Chuck Pomerenke
Public Works- Facilities Division
A. Issue
Request to waive the competitive bidding process for Capital Improvement Project #6413, the conversion of pneumatically controlled valves, dampers, and thermostats to digital controls at the Police Station.
B. Background/Options
This project was approved as part of the City's Capital Improvement Program to upgrade the existing HVAC controls in the original half of the Police department building (the new half has already been retrofitted). This process involves replacing pneumatically controlled valves, dampers and thermostats with digital controls and devices to allow for improved efficiency and performance.
Total Mechanical is currently our sole source provider for controls programming of the HVAC systems in City facilities. We are asking to waive the competitive bidding process for this project to allow Total Mechanical to do the mechanical retrofit work in addition to the controls work.
Total Mechanical has worked with the Facilities team on several projects doing these types of retrofitting where the Facilities staff has performed the installation of the mechanical devices and run the low voltage wiring required, then Total Mechanical has completed the programming of the systems. Due to limited staff availability, Total Mechanical was asked to provide a quote to do the complete job. The quote they provided was well under budget, and if staff time allows, they are willing to remove items from their scope for the Facilities staff to complete as well. Total Mechanical is also one of the City's pre-qualified vendors, however this project extends beyond the current $25,000 cap.
C. Strategic Plan (Area of Focus)
Well maintained infrastructure.
D. Fiscal Impact
The complete cost of this project was...
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