File #: 25-0234    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Action Item Status: Held
File created: 2/5/2025 In control: Board of Building and Fire Code Appeals
On agenda: 2/14/2025 Final action:
Title: 2320 N 69th Street - Shawn & Megan Slattery, are requesting a variance to allow a 24" wide stair width whereas 34" minimum is required; Riser height provided is 9" whereas 8.25 max is required. Landing & Stair headroom dimension were not provided. Existing stairs for a newly finished basement need to be 34" wide per Wisconsin Uniform Building Code Section 30.55(7)(a)(1). The existing staircase is too narrow to support a newly finished basement, even with these reduced clearance requirements for houses built prior to 1980.
Attachments: 1. 2320 N 69th Street, 2. 2320 N 69th Street

2320 N 69th Street - Shawn & Megan Slattery, are requesting a variance to allow a 24” wide stair width whereas 34” minimum is required; Riser height provided is 9” whereas 8.25 max is required. Landing & Stair headroom dimension were not provided. Existing stairs for a newly finished basement need to be 34” wide per Wisconsin Uniform Building Code Section 30.55(7)(a)(1). The existing staircase is too narrow to support a newly finished basement, even with these reduced clearance requirements for houses built prior to 1980.