Consideration of awarding the contracts for the purchase of stone, sand and gravel for the 2025 construction and repair Season (January 1-December 31, 2025)
Submitted by:
Laurel Schleimer
A. Issue
Consideration of awarding the contracts for the purchase of stone, sand and gravel for the 2025 construction and repair Season (January 1-December 31, 2025)
B. Background/Options
As is customary each year at this time, the purchasing department has advertised for bids on the purchase of stone, sand and gravel for our annual 2025 requirements ending December 31, 2025.
It is estimated that the City will use the following quantities of material during the 2025 construction season:
2,000 tons No. 1, 2, 3, crushed stone and screening
600 tons 3/8” limestone chips
1,000 tons Crushed stone traffic bond
100 tons Mason sand
800 tons Type “B” road gravel
300 tons Torpedo sand for summer concrete work, or winter ice control
Four (4) bids were received in response to our official advertisement. Attached with this memo is a tabulation of prices for your consideration. Prices for the 2025 season saw slight increases of between .75% and 11% depending on material.
Johnson Sand and Gravel was the low bidder for items 4, 5, and 6, had no price increase for the 2025 season and offered a cash discount of ten (10) percent over quoted prices if payment of invoice was made in 20 days. Three of the vendors agreed to accept the City’s pcard for payment without additional processing fees.
None of the vendors have requested a fuel surcharge above their quoted prices
C. Strategic Plan (Area of Focus)
D. Fiscal Impact
Funds budgeted within departmental budgets
E. Recommendation
It is the purchasing department’s recommendation to award this contract to all responding bidders on an as needed, price and availability basis.